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Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) for accelerating scientific and data-science codes

Intel Building and Emulation

The building of codes for the physical FPGA chips is a time consuming process. Firstly it is useful to have a powerful system for undertaking the actual build process, which is the case for this testbed, and also vendors provide emulation support such that users can much more quickly build and test their codes on the CPU without having to do the full build for the FPGA.


Intel toolchain

You should first load the quartus module, module load quartus (for this to work you need the module files loaded, if this has not been done run this command before trying to load the quartus module module use /home/nx08/shared/fpga/modulefiles/). This will make available Intel specific tooling, including aoc and aocl into your environment, as well as setting up the correct OpenCL environment for hardware emulation and Stratix-10 board environment. We have developed a simple number sum example here to demonstrate using the Intel toolchain on the testbed, this can also be used as a skeleton structure for more complex FPGA codes if that is helpful.

[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ git clone
[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ cd intel_sum_example

The example contains a makefile which provides configurations for building for emulation and physical hardware.

Building and running for emulation

In Intel terminology emulation is running in software, where the OpenCL device code is compiled against libraries and executed on the host. This is far quicker than building for hardware, however catches less errors and does not support all hardware modes (such as multi-kernel).

[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ make
[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ aoc -march=emulator src/device/
[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ export CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA=1
[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ ./host
Execution mode: Emulation
Using AOCX: device.aocx
Kernel initialization is complete
Memory initialization is complete
Kernel execution has been scheduled
Execution complete for 1000000 elements, total runtime : 16.717 ms, (5.843 ms xfer on, 4.947 ms execute, 5.927 ms xfer off)

Note here how make builds the host executable only, and the aoc command is the Altera OpenCL compiler, with march=emulator selecting to build for emulation. The CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA environment variable is required as this informs the emulator how many devices to emulate.

Building for the FPGA

Building for actual hardware will take around two hours for this example, a challenge is that this building process is then connected to the console, so closing that will terminate the building of the bitstream. There are a number of ways around this, for instance by using the graphical desktop then when you quit out of X2GO it will typically keep the session open and running. However, a more complete way is to use the nohup command. We would generally suggest redirecting stderr and tailing the output file too.

[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ nohup aoc -board=p520_hpc_m210h_g3x16 src/device/ &> output &
[username@nextgenio-login2 ~]$ tail -fn2000 output

The provision of -board=p520_hpc_m210h_g3x16 argument to aoc is not strictly nesecesary here as the hpc target is selected by default, but it’s good practice and you will need to provide this argument if you wish to build for the max target.

Note that in the host program it is very similar to launch the emulator or physical bitstream apart from the selection of the OpenCL platform. This is currently undertaken in the host program based on the CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA environment variable.

Detailed information about the aoc compiler and other Quartus Prime Pro commands can be found in the programming guide and best practice guide.

Leveraging the HBM2

The Stratix-10 MX has 16GB of HBM2 sitting across 32-banks, therefore each bank has 512MB. By default all global memory will be allocated in HBM bank 0, which will cause issues with both performance (contention across input and output data) and also limits the size of global memory to that specific bank. You can specify which bank to allocate into via the __attribute__((buffer_location("HBM0"))) attribute on the arguments of the OpenCL kernel).

The following code will allocate data across HBM banks 0 to 4 respectively. You do not need to add any specific HBM bank information into the host driver code, however the buffer should be created with the CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_HETEROGENEOUS_INTELFPGA flags.

void my_kernel(__global __attribute__((buffer_location("HBM0"))) double * const restrict input1, 
               __global __attribute__((buffer_location("HBM1"))) double * const restrict input2, 
               __global __attribute__((buffer_location("HBM2"))) double * restrict output1, 
               __global __attribute__((buffer_location("HBM3"))) double * restrict output2)

You can see the use of restrict in the above example, it is suggested to include that on global data for performance

Building options

For most codes it is suggested to use the -global-ring option which selects a ring topology interconnect between the kernel and shell that is optimized for the Stratix-10 and can improve fmax. You can also use -duplicate-ring to select a duplicate right approach however you will get a message that the compiler now duplicates the store ring by default so that is not strictly nescesary.

Depending on your calculations, you can use -ffp-reassoc to relax the order of floating point arithmetic operations and -ffp-contract=fast to remove intermediary floating-point rounding operations and conversions if possible, and to carry additional bits to maintain precision. These two options can often speed up calculation code in kernels


We can also use Intel’s oneAPI approach for cross-platform programming, which utilises SYCL (and thereby OpenCL) to port code to FPGAs. We can use the example oneAPI sample programs to test out this method for exploiting FPGA, which can be found here